Oral health care
With the development of modern oral preventive medicine, people have many scientific oral health care methods, making millions of people's teeth about the same age and lifespan, you can have a healthy tooth even in ancient times "old-fashioned" at your age . We should believe in science, change our minds, and pay attention to our oral hygiene. From now on, from children, healthy teeth can last a lifetime. The following is general knowledge about oral health care.
Which criteria are listed as oral health
Oral health is one of the specific markers of human health measured by the World Health Organization, that is, clean teeth, no defects, no pain , normal color of the gums , and no bleeding.
What is ineffective brushing?
Choose a toothbrush with coarse bristles, or toothpaste with sharp, low-grade abrasives, or get used to using a horizontal brushing method. Over time, the results of friction can lead to damage to the enamel or gums, the formation of wedge-shaped defects and the recession of the gums in the neck, exposing the dentin or roots, causing tooth pain and even tooth loosening. In addition, brushing for less than 3 minutes cannot effectively clean the mouth and remove plaque. These are ineffective brushing.
What kind of toothbrush to use
You should buy a health toothbrush with three straight rows, six horizontal bundles, small brush heads, soft bristles, and rounded ends of the bristles. It is better to replace the toothbrush once every 2-3 months
Learn how to brush your teeth correctly
First of all, the force of brushing should not be too strong. Some people brush their teeth violently, causing the recession of the oral gums and the neck of the teeth. Partial wear and tear, soreness from heat and cold. Brushing your teeth is mainly about brushing the sides of your teeth. Brush the outside: place the brush head of the toothbrush at a 45-degree angle between the teeth and the gum edge, brush back and forth gently, then brush the toothbrush along the teeth, brush the upper teeth from the top down, and brush the lower teeth from the bottom to the top: brush the inside : Brush the inside of each tooth in the same way as above: Brush the occlusal surface: Lay the toothbrush flat and brush the tooth surface (occlusal surface) that chews food back and forth, preferably the tongue surface as well.
Main causes of tooth wear
Modern oral preventive medicine research shows that teeth grinding is the main cause of tooth wear. When eating, the teeth wear less due to the food between the upper and lower teeth. "Dry grinding or clenching," which causes teeth to wear down rapidly. Long-term night grinding can damage the periodontal tissue, leading to gum recession, tooth displacement, tooth loosening, and shortening the life of the teeth. The most common cause of teeth grinding is nervousness. Most people get excited, especially when they're angry or working hard, and involuntarily have a tense facial expression, or clench their teeth dry, or grind their teeth in a dream. Therefore, it is necessary to actively prevent grinding, reduce the strength of grinding, reduce grinding, and maintain oral health. Additionally, using toothpaste with poor-quality abrasives and brushing horizontally can cause tooth wear.
What kind of toothpaste to use
Toothpastes all contain a friction agent. The particles of the friction agent are small and the quality is relatively good. The quality of the toothpaste sold in the market is in parallel with the price. The toothpaste containing fluoride should be used, but one brand of toothpaste should not be used for a long time.
learn to floss
Dental floss is generally divided into wax and non-wax. Dental floss and interdental brush should be used after meals and should be operated correctly under the guidance of a dentist. Interdental brush is suitable for people with large gaps between teeth. It is better to be soft and elastic.